  • Intuitive Acharya

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Acharya Amit Agarwal

Amit AgarwalA seasoned Investment Banker for 20 years exhibited his life balance sheet by venturing

mapMarkerGrey Acharya Amit Agarwal, MahaVast...

Mansi Chhugani

Mansi Chhugani A renowned interior designer, a commerce graduate, AMRC , MV Acharya. Successfully

mapMarkerGrey Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India...

Ravi Sawlani

Ravi Sawlani Being a Business Man from 25  Years inclined towards Vedic Knowledge of Vastu and As

mapMarkerGrey Harita Palace, Chitragupt Naga...

Manidutt Sharma

Manidutt Sharma Financial audits and taxation advisor for 18+ years. He completed his quest to au

mapMarkerGrey Office No.105, 1st. floor, Sav...

Vikas Golchha

An Engineer &  inquistive Bussinesman for 15 years went on a quest for eternal vedic wisdom &

mapMarkerGrey D 139 A Mahendru Enclave ,opp:...

Amit Singhal

Amit Singhal, Dehradun,BSC in interior designing, ME and MV Acharya , has 16+ years experience in In

mapMarkerGrey Flat No. 208 Valley View Resid...

Shreel goyal

Shreel GoyalWhen an oil extraction plant owner found the cause of a fire accident through learning V

mapMarkerGrey House no 544, sector 36 B, Cha...

Rajeev Jalhotra

Rajeev Jalhotra The Industrial design Consultant for 17+ years experienced the effectiveness of e

mapMarkerGrey B 196-197, Lajpat Nagar-1, Del...

Girish Vaidya

Acharya Girish Vaidya 12+ years of providing holistic wellness through various modalities, he fou

Anu Shrii Gupta

Anu Gupta has been into Corporate HR for more than 12 years. She had served IT/Non-IT/ Legal/ Bankin

mapMarkerGrey M17, First Floor, Kailash Colo...

Preeti Indarwal

Preeti Indarwal, Ghaizabad UP, Masters in Biotechnology, AMRC & MV Acharya. Having 7 years exper

mapMarkerGrey Plot No 430, First Floor, Sect...

Mona Mehandru

Mona Mehandru former CEO of an IT Company(Development and Education) for 5+ years, followed her inne

mapMarkerGrey # 90, Green Field, First Floor...